Changelog ========= Adapted from ` `__ for org-mode. Adheres to `RFC: salotz.002\ semantic-changelog `__. See the git commit log history for full details. [0.0.1a0.dev0] - 2020-03-16 --------------------------- First working version. Growth ~~~~~~ - first working prototype - ``jubeo`` tool configuration file, ``$HOME/.config/jubeo/jubeo_conf.toml`` - ``.jubeo`` project-local configuration files and tool requirements in - base jubeo repo inside the main source tree made possible by relative paths within git repos in the URL fragment - Commands: ``init-config`` initialize the configuration and cache of jubeo ``init`` initialize a project with a jubeo metaproject tooling ``update`` update the metaproject tooling for a project - caching is very stupid and not actually cached. Retrieves from git repo every time if not local. [0.0.0a0.dev0] - 2020-03-12 --------------------------- Prehistory